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5 Dope Financial Habits To Start Your New Month

Wadau, how are you doing? Yaani this month has gone just like that…

Yo, but honestly, Feb is one of my fav months. Why? Coz it’s short and just as good coz after the ghetto that is January that’s just the thing we need. Safe to say I have now fully recovered from the start of the year 😊.

Sidebar, on juzi on these Twitter streets I see ’matumbo’ trending only to go and find out why (if you know you know 😂😂😂) Anyway, that’s what I’m craving as I write this today, ka mutura and kachumbari with a kick of firifiri. Can the weekend get here already. Msee wetu wa mutura hapa nje huonekana tu Sato majioni.

I have digressed. But I’m back on track now. March is around the corner and wueh, I have already started calculating the days in the month and my salo which ingiad jana and truth be told, kuna venye I need to be smart about my spending.

My bro anaoa whoop whoop (ametoa jam so msishtuke mkiskia ninafanya ruracio 😌) and I’m sure a lot of us know weddings are not cheap. So kuna a few things I have budgeted for for those plans na pia naskia kujitreat ka holiday… Fingers crossed. So I was thinking as I saidia you guys on some spending tips for this next month, I’ll listen to my own advice. Here you go:

  1. Tulipe madeni

IDK about you but as soon as I get my shmoeny, the first thing I do (after bills and rent) is to sort out any debts I have. So whether it’s your credit card, a ka KCB M-PESA or Mobi Loan you had borrowed, sort that out ASAP. Having a good credit score is important and lets you borrow more.

  1. Emergency fund

Ni mara ngapi you have had to call a friend juu something came up and you didn’t have the chums to sort it out? Been there. Stuff happens and when it does, serious or not, it’s always good to know you have some cash tucked away to get you through. Ya’ll can check out  KCB's Simba Savings Account.

  1. Save smart

Tumekuwa tukiwaimbia about savings for a minute now, lakini, HOW are you saving? Always make sure when you do, you are getting some sort of interest from your money. Don’t let your cash just sit somewhere while it’s incurring ledger fees. Visit your KCB branch and talk to our staff about what best suits your needs. You’ll be sure to get some great advice. Pia unaweza cheki KCB's Goal Savings Account

  1. Live on less

Living beyond my means is something I used to do when I was young and didn’t know better but tulirevuka. Don’t spend what you don’t have and if you feel like you want to, ask yourself if it’s really necessary or important. Having nice things is good but you know what’s better? Not having to spend every month trying to recover your chums.

  1. Payment plans

You can fight me on this, but me thinks you should really consider not getting yourself into such. Yes, kulipa pole pole is a life saver my friend, I know I have used this a number of times. But when you think about it, you are literally getting yourself in debt. Think of it this way; if you can’t pay for it at once, that means you can’t afford it. Better to save up and get it mara moja, no?

I’ll leave ya’ll with these for now. Think about it and get planning. Msisahau March has 31 whole days 😉


Over & Out,

The Witty Banker.

Feb 26, 2021 Trending

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