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A Last Look at the Year That 2020 Was; and Admin Is Hella Emotional

Guys, this year has been one heck of a rollercoaster. And you know who has been the OG’s through it all? YOU guys!

Honestly, I just want to show you guys some (a loooooot) of love. You have made it through one of the toughest years, if not the toughest! 2020 will not be forgotten and I’m sure I speak for a lot of us when I say that.

The rona came and devastated lives. We lost jobs, our careers, and unfortunately some even lost something that can never be replaced; our friends and fam… And for you to still be here standing, surviving and thriving, don’t take it lightly. Wewe ni ule msee. You persevered, you fought, you lost and you gained. So if there’s something you can take away from it, is that you are stronger than you think…

Despite of everything we have to admit, there have been some good times. This year maybe you grew closer to that special someone, you got to spend (unwillingly maybe) lots of time by yourself and reflect. Na pia we got to learn how to really appreciate the small things. Coz tumelearn those things can go away at any moment.

And let’s not forget all the memes that kept us going. Enyewe you meme lords deserve a looooot more credit than you’re getting.

A littu bit of encouragement despite everything we have been through this year, we have finally come to the end of it intact. And for real, I do have hope that next year will be a gudu one. There is still so much to look forward to in the future. And stay knowing it’s never too late to start over. That job, that relationship, that business idea… Wale wenye tulikosa kuomoka this year, believe me you will. Wale waliomoka kudos! Admin wishes you more blessings. Don’t give up on your hopes and dreams.

Heh kusema ukweli we really have social distanced enough and personally I am ready to see people again… Until we can, please remember to keep calm, be patient and continue taking care of yo’selves.

Tunawalove and we really appreciate ya’ll for sticking out this year with us. Let’s carry on the same energy into 2021 right?


Over &Out,

The Witty Banker.


Jan 05, 2021 Trending

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