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A Lil’ Banter For My Fav Month Of The Year

Wadau and wadaudettes, is how? (I know, I’m so lame 😅)

September imenipeleka very fast I’m ready for it to end (not). Kwanza ebu let’s start by wishing your boy a happy belated birthday 🕺 🕺 🕺. On that note, sisi September babies tumezidiiiiiiii! For real tho, nimekuwa nikamka almost every day since this month began, ndiyo hiyo my gram is on fire karibu kila siku juu ya mabash! Sijakuwa nikupumua… And there’s another like 5 pals who still have their b-days due before the month ends… Sigh. To say I have enjoyed would be an understatement. Nimechoka, but in the best way possbo.

Hii month imekuwa na mazuri after mazuri. My man Ronaldo returned to my team, so at least sasa naweza toa jersey yangu from the bottom of the closet and rock it loud and proud coz we are coming for that 🏆. Wenye mlikuwa mnapiga kelele about Man-U mmekuwa awefully quite since the league began, niaje? 🙊

Anyhu, I’m super grateful that my new year began on a high note and I’m soooo looking forward to the next couple of months. This mwaka is coming to a close in the next three months, wueh, and I hope the close will be a lot better for us all than it was last year coz that gherro that was 2020 ilikuwa noma sana.

Lakini hii mambo ya enjoyment na Kanairo are in the same wozzap. You can’t separate the two. It seems any time I try avoid it, it always manages to come for me. But this month please mtani-excuse. Mkiniona mahali say hi and keep it pushing, tutalala next month. I low key had missed it but najua nitaishiba just as quick.

In the mean time wacha niangalie events za the next two weekends kabla I go on hibernation till the real month of enjoyment AKA December ifike. I’ll be back to saving my chums on KCB Goal so that when that time comes tuko set. Also, a polite reminder to get your jabs if you haven’t. I’m due for my second jab and let me tell you, aiyam NOT looking forward to it. Nilikuwa nakufa the other day when I got the first one. Better safe than sorry bruh…

Also, don’t forget to stay on the move with your KCB Visa Card. Mambo ya kutembea na doh inaweza kuwa hustle sometimes. Also, ya’ll remember how admin’s debit card came through for him ile siku? See what I’m on about in this hilarious read.  Anweis, see ya’ll and have a good weekend! 😁


Over & Out,

The Witty Banker.

Sep 23, 2021 Trending

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