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Wera ni wera hata kama hauvai suti kwa ofisi. Bora doh zinaingia au sio? Lakini kuna venye magig zinaeza piga msee chenga. If you don’t plan your money right, utastukia mid-month account ni vumbi tu imebaki.

Wacha niwashow vile boyz wangu anaitwa Timo hufanya. Timo ameiva hustle mbaya. He writes about crypto na story za bitcoin, Sato ikifika utampata Aboretum akipiga malove birds picha. Gigs on gigs.

Timo akiguza tu doh hivi, hata thao, anarusha kwa account yake ya KCB, halafu anakaza budget.

So, imagine shock yake venye last week alideposit doh kutoka shoot fulani akapata ati hiyo 50K imekuwa 100K.

Mazee si Timo alibambika, plan yake ilikuwa kubook hotel ndio aende kucheki rally from 29th to 31st March.

I’m sure mnadhani ni stori za jaba hizi.

Acha niwachanue because this G doesn't gatekeep. With Gurumisha na KCB, you can win up to 2k on the daily with just 1k minimum deposit.

Najua unauliza can it get any better? Yes, it can.

The more you deposit, the higher you stand the chance of winning the weekly draw. Yaani, KCB watamatch the highest depositor na up to 500k.

KCB wamesema as you catch the action at WRC, kugurumisha account ni lazima pia.

Kwa hayo machache my good people, tupatane WRC.

T & C's 


Over and Out

The Witty Banker

BCLB Number- 0000065

Mar 07, 2024 Trending

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