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Hapa We’re All About #Jipange… Ya’ll Berra Get On The Hype

Pheeeeewiii!!! Let’s hear it for 2021!!! Boy, look at 2020 back there looking all salty! She’s like relatives who arrive to the wedding late and the pilau is kwinished. Actually, she’s like a bitter ex. Or better yet, that childhood bestie mwenye mlikosana na yeye but years of a no-show apology bred this stiffness that dots her eyes for eternity. I could go on and on about how ‘un-nice’ 2020 was and I’m not feeding that low budget Armageddon. 

We enter 2021 with positive vibes – of achieving goals, self-care and securing the bag. We take control of the energies that surround us and those we give off. We dictate our Feng shui 風水.

Nimeingia hii mwaka na ubaya (the good kind). New vocabulary and a renewed energy because my guy, if I had to 2020 again mimi naeza chizi mimi. But that’s not happening - so let’s get back to where I was hapo juu.

Last year we were victims of circumstances but if you made it this far, you are a true survivor - a warrior.

So now, how are you planning to get back on track with your plans that were oh-so rudely interrupted last year? How are you planning to safeguard your future?

We don’t have all the answers but what we do know is that a lot of you held back on your dreams and ambitions because money became scarce. What is your come back plan?

I know huwa tuna-shy away from loans but ukweli ni; very few morios wanaeza sema waliomoka wakitegemea salo pekee. Ama you can name 10?

We fear loans for all the wrong reasons when the truth is, loans were coined to help you #GoAhead. That biashara plan you stashed away last year, that dream car that never came to be, that online course, that tractor you need so badly, that laptop you wanted so you could go digital…..the list is endless.

With KCB, you can pata a loan na ulipe pole pole as your work towards your goals.

#Jipange2021 and go after what you truly want, whether it’s for you or your biashara because if there’s one thing we’ve learnt, life is short and we have to reach for our dreams.

And the kachumbari on the smokie mwitu? You have dedicated guys on our side to help you work your way around all the paperwork, give you advice on how much you can borrow and how much you will be pay back so that you make the best decision for YOU. Tembelea your nearest branch and we’ll hook you up.

Remember, ambitions are synonymous with ‘dreams’ because literally anything is possbo.

We’ve given you the tea. Sasa cheza kama wewe- tubonge ma-1-2 1-2!


Over & Out,

The Witty Banker

Jan 22, 2021 Trending

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