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Joining Us In The Spirit Of #goahead? You Berra. It’s Going To Be Fun Ride.

When you look back at the beginning of the year tukiimba ‘parte after parte’ and being so hopeful and compare it to now, unaskia aje?

Lemme be honest. Imagine I’m super grateful right now and sooooo hopeful for the next few months to come. Lemme not lie, the unknown is always something that scares me and this year there has been a lot of unknowns and a whole lotta scary times. Na niko sure I’m speaking for the masses when it comes to this.

2020 being the gherro that it has been and the gift that has kept on giving (in some of the worst ways EVERRRR) has had its challenges. Oh boiiii, lots of challenges. A lot of us have suffered. Wengi wetu tulipoteza job na bado some of us are still tarmacking looking for employment. Some of us lost loved ones. My sympathies are with you all. We lost hope. We lost a lot of things…

Lakini wacha niwachangamshe kidogo. Nani look at yourself now. Look at how far you’ve come, despite all the challenges and hardships and setbacks. Pat yourself on the back, coz you did not give up. WE did not give up. We kept on going and in the back of our minds, kept believing that things will be okay. Guys, this is what the #GoAhead spirit is all about…

The best part, KCBae is with ya’ll every step of the way. Always will be. Every single day, we are helping you, your loved ones and the community to go ahead. Why? Because you as a people are not ready to be defeated. No matter what! (Yaani one thing I looove about us as Kenyans, our determination. And I’m sure you see that too when you look at yourselves and others around you. Heh, we are survivors sio).

From investing in entrepreneurs and providing a platform for the youth ‘dem to make their dreams come true. Which BTW, you should take full advantage of… To giving skills and mentorship to those seeking to better their lives in different industries. Tuko hii form mbaya. KCB is so invested in the youth because kusema ukweli the future of this country and for those coming after us lies in our hands.

Empowering women is also top priority in the #GoAhead spirit and there’s over Over 16.7 billi that has gone towards this. We love to see our women win. Kujengana na kusaidiana. That’s the only way we can move ahead. As a collective. You can find more info on this initiative here.

So my people, let’s not forget who we are. Sisi ni Wakenya. The spirit of #GoAhead is in each one of us. Let’s tap into it. Let’s stay hopeful. Let’s keep winning! 


Over & Out,

The Witty Banker.

Oct 30, 2020 Trending

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