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Proper Budgeting? Let’s Talk About That!

Well admin was thinking about what to share with ya’ll today and I was like why not discuss budgeting? Like proper budgeting… This is the perfect time to talk about this as the month is still young na bado tuko na kakitu. Hehe. Gotta love the beginning of the month 💰💰💰

So me and these my tu coins are going to be going into good use after we’ve taken care of basics and spent on certain (sometimes unnecessary) wants. Wale waliomoka hawatuachi nyuma my fren’. And to be honest, hakuna magic recipe ama nini au nini. All it takes is discipline msee.

So let’s get into it. Here are some tips to help you budget your chums properly for the month and even after…

  1. Going Cashless

Yeap, if you really wanna keep and stay on track with your budgeting and know how much of your cash goes where, you should use your KCB Internet Banking or your KCB Credit, Debit or Pre-paid Cards. This sort of gives you a log of your spending. Don’t forget about those sweet Simba Points you’ll earn with your transactions. We are really about that good good 😊

  1. Budget method?

A lot of us are aware of the 50/30/20 rule… 50% of your income going to necessities, savings and lifestyle needs. Find out if this works for you or not and get a plan that works for your needs. Maybe this month you don’t need to allocate chums for going out or eating out. Save that. This can shift so always keep these things in mind.

  1. Technology is your friend

Set up automatic transfers for the constants kama bills and such to make your kazi a bit easier. Sijui if you’re like me but I really hate the process of transferring cash to different avenues kila mwezi. There’s some apps you can tafuta on your PlayStore that I’m sure will come in handy.

  1. Keep Track

Last  but defo not least, keep track of your progress from start to where you are now. Check on your spending and see whether your goals are still aligned with where you wanna be. Pia, ukicheki where your money has been going you’ll be able to gauge better if you’re spending is worth it or nah. Issorait to fall off track once in a while lakini also celebrate your tu small wins.

With a clearer picture of where your cash is going every month, we are sure you’ll be better placed to set and achieve your goals. Happy planning this weekend fam!


Over & Out,

The Witty Banker.

May 07, 2021 Trending

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