How to Pay School Fees - Lipa Karo

Easy Ni? Kulipa Fees Conveniently.How to Lipa Karo Via:

  1. Lipa Na KCB Till 522533
  • Go to M-PESA menu.
  • Select Lipa na M-PESA.
  • Select Pay Bill.
  • Select Enter business no.
  • Enter 522533
  • Select Account no.

    Enter Till Number, # and the student details. See example below.


    [If the Lipa na KCB Till Number is 12345, the name of student is John Doe and his admission number is 24810].

  • Enter the Amount.
  • Enter M-PESA PIN and commit the transaction.
  • You will receive an SMS from KCB confirming the payment.
  1. KCB App
  • Log into the KCB App
  • Select Lipa Karo
  • From the dropdown menu select the school you wish to pay or search for the school you wish to pay to & follow the prompts
  • Confirm that all the information entered is correct and then press proceed.
  • In order to complete the transaction, you will be requested to insert your Mobi PIN
  • On completion of the transaction, you will receive a confirmation message from KCB.
  1. KCB Bank Agents countrywide
  • The agent will request the cash deposit; school account number; student name; student admission number.
  • The Agent will receive the cash then post the transaction on the POS terminal.
  • In order to complete the transaction, you will need to sign the transaction register
  • You will receive a POS terminal receipt for your records.
  1. Internet Banking
  • Log onto your internet banking profile on
  • You can transfer school fees directly from your KCB account to the schools account.

Banking Jan 20, 2023