What if we told you getting your finances on track is as easy as six steps?
Imagine, just six. The best part? Tuko more than ready to walk this journey with ya’ll 😎… True story fam. Wacha niwashow vile for the most of my 20’s I’ve been winging it yaani when it comes to my chums. Getting this far and growing my finances ni Mungu tu BTW 😅
I really do wish that topics about finance management were included in our curriculum growing up coz whew! Mimi personally I think ningekuwa mbali saaana by now. Hizo doh zote nimewaste in my past nikipiga hesabu vizuri ina-add up to plot kadhaa. Imagine ningekuwa nishaanza kujenga hao Ruiru but irrizwaririzzzz 😢
It’s not too late to turn that around, though. Ruiri tuna-come in due time LOL. But you feel me? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had someone to talk you through good financial habits and ways to grow your chums, ama njia different za ku-save doh, where to invest, HOW to invest and all that good stuff? Well, tumeona a need for that na kama kawaida tumeplay kama sisi.
We really wanna see you guys prosper in all aspects of your lives and we wanna come through for you financially. Admin ameona hapa kuna opportunity ya ku-tap into that and has rallied a few troops who will take you through different topics and dish out advice on making better financial decisions, ways to create wealth, save, invest nini nini… Ndio sisi wote tutoke on top! Ahhh, hii mwaka tumeamua hatuchezi games.
Msiwe na wass. Here’s the breakdown, guys – every month for the rest of the year we’ll be having an episode titled ‘Why Don’t I Know This’ hosted by the one and only Daddy Marto. Here for your entertainment but also serving straight up facts pamoja with some KCBae experts who will be giving advice on different topics. Sounds like a plan? Dope!
What to expect? Lots of laughs, insightful info and advice, different eye opening challenges that will help you grow and of course dope giveaways - najua mnapenda hiyo stuff sana 😊. So we hope you will join us on this exciting journey and we hope you will be able to kick ass on some, if not all, of your financial goals. Eh, pia mimi nataka ku-join ile gang ya ‘tumia pesa mpaka ikuzoee’. I have waited too long 😉.
Make sure you keep your eyes peeled on our socials coz the first episode drops next week Monday. Ya’ll better be ready! Weekend njema wasee. Wacha tuone vile hii mwezi itatupeleka sio?
Over & Out,
The Witty Banker.
January is cruising nicely, but let’s be...
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