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With Over Sh600M Worth of Investments Sought In The Den, This Show Will Be Epic!

15th Sep, 2016

As 26th September draws nearer, Kenyans will be looking forward to two things, their salaries (this obviously excludes Bankers!) and the onset of the nation’s most anticipated show – Lions’ Den.

We will all attest to the fact that we indeed haven’t seen this much hype since the days of Omo Pick-A-Box and Who’s Smarter Now, yes? Those programs made family viewing a treasured and memorable moment indeed.

It is hard to find such shows in this time and age; everyone is either on their phones, cooking, still at work or the television is split between football and the infamous Mexican telenovelas.

But worry not, dear people, Family viewing is back! Lions’ Den aims to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in everyone across all ages and economical barriers. Whether you feel like a lion or a gazelle, this show is aimed to channel your inner spirit to believe in the possibility of your dreams.

Vivo Activewear’s brain child – Wandia Gichuru; Fashion and Image virtuoso – Olive Gachara; Kenya’s very own Entertainment Godfather – Myke Rabar; Venture Capitalist extradionaire and renowned Businessman – Kris Senanu; not forgetting the man at the helm of Chandaria Industries – Darshan Chandaria: these will be the decision makers throughout the first ever season of the much anticipated Lions’ Den.

Having built each of their dynasties through consistent hard work, tireless nights and dedication, they are definitely best placed to offer tried and tested business advice to all.

After the call to action to apply for this life-changing opportunity to appear in the Lions’ Den, KCB Bank received a mind boggling 4,500 applications.

This astounding figure exhibited an uncanny appetite for success that we Kenyans are known for, and if only the opportunities existed, Kenya’s economy would rise to the next level. These applications cover all major industries, and were from all corners of the country.

Among the heaps of applications, 75 individuals from 15 counties across Kenya were shortlisted to face the lions in the den. Male applications dominated the pack with 77% while women applicants amounted to 23%.

Majority of the contestants had interest in developing various ICT approaches and this figure stood at 29% of the chosen submissions. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg should watch this space, because very soon the next biggest technological revolution will erupt as a result of investment through Lions’ Den.

Manufacturers were not left behind in the search for success as they turned up in their numbers to try out their luck. 13% of the competitors expressed interest in attracting investment towards developing an idea that will give Chandaria Industries a run for their money.

11% of the applications lodged were from individuals who were requesting investment in the Food and Beverage industries. If all goes well, the next local or international franchise may very well be born through Lions’ Den. McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the rest better buckle up, the ride is just about to get rough.

Wandia Gichuru and Olive Gachara inspired prodigies also sent in their applications in the hopes of becoming Kenya’s next sought after Fashion extraordinaire. Design applicants levelled up to 8% alongside Energy inspired geniuses who also desired to showcase their capabilities to the panelists and optimistically hoped to laugh all the way to the bank at the end.

The rest of the applications comprised of various sectors in the industry and these included, Agricultural, Entertainment, Education, Environment, Health, Publishing and Service.

In entirety the applicants are seeking a whooping Kshs. 600 million and over worth of investments to their separate costs. It will be very interesting to see the outcome of our fellow Kenyans who battle it out to be the next business mogul as a result of the Lions’ confidence in them.

These figures should be an encouragement to adhere to the next casting call for the next Lions’ Den series and also further enhance the anticipation towards the day as it quickly approaches.

So make sure you have bought enough popcorn and soda or any entertainment snack of your choice as the long wait draws to a close and your favorite local series hits the screens on 26th September, Mark that Date!

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